4-H Teens designed curriculum to lead three workshops to other teens, sharing knowledge so they can grow at home. Workshops included growing hanging baskets of peas, at home greens and porch pot garlic. For info about this program contact
Meg Riley at Mriley@plymouthcountyma.gov
Program to educate the consumer on 4-H raised beef, lamb and pork. Working together to connect consumers with 4-H youth growing meat. Help preserve Massachusetts farmland and connect youth across the New England States. For more information on this program contact
Carrie Sears at ccsears@umext.umass.edu
The STEAM Festival is a annual virtual fair of sorts for all MA 4-H members. It is not only about Science, Engineering and Technology, but also incorporates Animals, Arts, Crafts and more! For more information contact Kim Pond at kima@umext.umass.edu